Frequently Asked Questions

How much firewood do I need?

  • Small Fireplace / Braai > 20 Bags
  • Medium Fireplace / Braai > 30 Bags
  • Large Fireplace / Braai > 40 bags
  • Bakkie Load – Double Cab > 30 Bulk Bags
  • Single Cab > 40 Bulk Bags

What is the best braai wood?

Wood that leaves a long-lasting hot coal is the best for braaing most meats.

We recommend Kameeldoring and Sekeldoring.

Rooikraans is also a local favourite and works well for braaing seafood and most other cuts of meats.

What is seasoned/cured wood?

Our seasoned wood selection has already been exposed to all 4 seasons for up to three years.

This means the wood is ready for immediate use and contains a lower moisture content than unseasoned wood.

Do you sell loose wood?

We sell loose Rooikrans, Blue Gum & Blackwattle fireplace and braai wood only from October till March each year. 

This allows our customers to season / dry the wood to perfection as they desire.

All our seasoned wood is pre-packed in bags to make delivery and transport of wood as easy as possible.



Standard delivery time is 1-5 business days.

Please call us to see if we can accommodate sooner delivery. An express delivery fee will be charged, but we are always willing to help when possible.

do you charge a delivery fee?

Yes we do, shipping fees varies depending on your location.

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